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Preparing Your Air Conditioning System for Summer

Preparing Your Air Conditioning System for Summer

Summer is just around the corner, and with warmer temperatures comes air conditioning usage. To ensure your air conditioner is ready to keep you cool all summer long, it's important to have it serviced and inspected by a professional air conditioning contractor at least once a year (preferably before the start of summer). Not only will these services ensure that your air conditioning system is running efficiently, but they can also help you save money on energy bills and prevent costly breakdowns. By catching any potential issues early, you can avoid more expensive repairs down the road.

Here are some services that air conditioning contractors provide to prepare your air conditioning system for summer use.

Air Conditioning System Inspection

The first step in preparing your air conditioning system for summer use is to have it inspected by a professional air conditioning contractor. During this inspection, the contractor will check the overall condition of your system, including the coils, fans, ductwork, and thermostat. They will also check the refrigerant levels and ensure that the electrical components are functioning properly.

Air Filter Replacement

One of the most important things you can do to ensure that your air conditioning system is running efficiently is to replace the air filter. The air filter traps dust, dirt, and other particles, preventing them from entering your home. Over time, the filter can become clogged, reducing the efficiency of your air conditioning system. An air conditioning contractor can replace the air filter and ensure that the new filter is the correct size and type for your system.

Cleaning the Condenser Coils

The condenser coils on your air conditioning system are responsible for releasing the heat that's been removed from your home. Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the coils, reducing their ability to release heat. This can lead to reduced efficiency and increased energy bills. An air conditioning contractor can clean the condenser coils, ensuring that they're free of dirt and debris.

Checking and Cleaning the Evaporator Coil

The evaporator coil is responsible for absorbing heat from your home. Over time, the coil can become dirty, reducing its ability to absorb heat. An air conditioning contractor can check and clean the evaporator coil, ensuring that it's working properly.

Checking and Adjusting the Refrigerant

Refrigerant is the substance that's responsible for cooling the air in your home. If the refrigerant level is too low, your air conditioning system won't be able to cool your home effectively. An air conditioning contractor can check the refrigerant level and add more if necessary. They can also adjust the refrigerant charge to ensure that your system is running at maximum efficiency.

Lubricating Moving Parts

Your air conditioning system has many moving parts, including fans and motors. Over time, these parts can become worn and require lubrication to operate smoothly. An air conditioning contractor can lubricate the moving parts in your system, ensuring that they're working efficiently.

Checking and Adjusting the Thermostat

The thermostat is responsible for controlling the temperature in your home. If it's not working properly, your air conditioning system won't be able to cool your home effectively. An air conditioning contractor can check the thermostat and adjust it if necessary, ensuring that your system is running at maximum efficiency.

Ductwork Inspection

Your air conditioning system relies on ductwork to distribute cool air throughout your home. If the ductwork is damaged or has leaks, your system won't be able to cool your home effectively. An air conditioning contractor can inspect the ductwork and repair any damage or leaks, ensuring that your system is running efficiently.

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